

Living Information

Garbage Discharge Information

  • Living Information
  • Domestic Waste
  • Garbage Discharge Information
  • 만나이 안내 새창열림
  • 본문인쇄
  • 트위터 공유 새창열림
  • 페이스북 공유 새창열림
  • 카카오스토리 공유 새창열림
  • 카카오톡 공유 새창열림
  • 밴드 공유 새창열림

How to discharge garbage

When using mobile devices you can check the contents by moving the table laterally.

It is a table for how to discharge garbage. You can view item, how to discharge by each category.
Category Item How to discharge
For incineration Wastepaper, disposable diapers, and other incinerable waste White garbage bags subject to incineration
For Burial Broken glass, ceramics, and waste that cannot be burned Pale red garbage bags for burial, white p.p. burlap bags for burial
Food waste Livestock feeds and useable foods Yellow food garbage bags
Large wastes Refrigerators, TVs, audio devices, chairs, dressers, beds, etc. The designated sticker by item shall be attached to the waste bag before discharging. The sticker can be bought at the volume-rate garbage bag shops.
※Among large wastes, certain waste home electronics can be discharged free of charge.

(Contact number for free collection of waste home electronics : 1599-0903)

Recyclables Paper
  • Newspapers
  • Books, notebooks, paper shopping bags, calendars, wrapping paper, paper cups
  • Boxes (confectionery boxes, other corrugated boxes, etc.)
  • Do not let it get wet.
  • Remove foreign matter, such as vinyl-coated covers, vinyl wrappers, springs, etc.
  • Empty the contents, and then rinse once with water before compressing.
  • Put it in the bag, or secure it with a strap before discharging.
Paper packs Separate from ordinary papers
  • Iron cans, aluminum cans (foods and drinks)
  • Other cans (butane gas, pesticide containers)
  • Empty the contents, then rinse once with water, and compress if possible.
  • Remove any plastic lid inside or outside the can.
  • Put it in a bag (or a plastic bag) before discharging.
  • Punch a hole in butane gas, insecticide containers, etc. before discharging.
Bottles Beverage bottles, other bottles
  • After removing the bottle cap, empty the contents and rinse with water before discharging.
  • Remove foreign objects, such as cigarette butts.
  • Put it in a bag (a plastic bag)
  • Beer, soju, and beverage bottles can be sold at supermarkets.
Scrap iron
  • Scrap iron (tools, iron pegs, iron plates, ironware)
  • Nonferrous metals (nickel containers, stainless steel, wires, aluminum, sashes)
Do not allow foreign matter to get in the mix, and then put it in the bag or tie with a string before discharging.
  • PET bottles
  • Synthetic resin containers
  • General household items

※ Limited to containers with a plastic identification code

  • After removing the lid, empty the contents and rinse with water.
  • Squeeze as much as possible into the envelope or bind with a string before discharging.

※ Excluding waste oil containers

Styrofoam Recyclable styrofoam specified by the Korea Foam-Styrene Recycling Association (except styrofoam contaminated with foreign substances) Bind it to prevent foreign matter from mixing or circulating before discharging.
Film packaging materials Confectionery, ramen noodles, and other food packaging pouches, detergent pouches, etc. Empty the contents completely, remove the lid, foil, wrap, trademark, etc. made of different materials, and then clean, and bind or put in a transparent bag before discharging.
Others Cotton and other clothing Do not let it get wet by putting it in a burlap bag or binding it before discharging.
Waste fluorescent lights
  • Put waste fluorescent lamps in a special collection box before discharging.
  • Put broken ones in a garbage bag before discharging.
Batteries Discharge them in sorting collection boxes provided in apartments and at the district office.

※ How to discharge recyclables in apartments and villages without joint sorting collection boxes: Collect recyclables before discharging.

Reporting and Information

When using mobile devices you can check the contents by moving the table laterally.

Cleaning institutions, Phone, Remarks
Cleaning institutions Phone Remarks
Resources Reycling Division, Anseong City ☎031-678-2652~5 Report unauthorized discharging of wastes and illegal incineration thereof
Anseong City Facilities Management Corporation ☎031-676-2773 Inquiry about the removal of large wastes and garbage