

Living Information

Free Collection of Waste Home Electronics

  • Living Information
  • Domestic Waste
  • Free Collection of Waste Home Electronics
  • 만나이 안내 새창열림
  • 본문인쇄
  • 트위터 공유 새창열림
  • 페이스북 공유 새창열림
  • 카카오스토리 공유 새창열림
  • 카카오톡 공유 새창열림
  • 밴드 공유 새창열림

Free Collection of Waste Home Electronics

It is a table for free collection of waste home electronics. You can view the item by category.
Category Item Remarks
Single items Refrigerator household / commercial use / freezer / kimchi refrigerator / showcase, etc.
Washing machine General washing machines / front-loading washing machines, etc.
Air conditioner Internal unit / external unit / integrated type, etc.
Electric oven range, air purifier, dishwasher, dish dryer, copier, vending machine, treadmill, cold/hot water purifier, microwave oven
Set items Phonograph (old audio set), desktop PC (main unit + monitor)
Mass emission items For the following products, more than 5 items can be simultaneously discharged
(PC body, monitor (CRT, LCD), notebook, audio (body, component), printer (laser, inkjet), facsimile, food processor, electric bidet, electric heater, electric rice cooker, water softener, humidifier, iron, fan, blender, vacuum cleaner, VCR (including DVD), mobile phone, etc.

※ Small waste electronics can be collected when collecting large household waste electronics.

Reservation method

  • Call Center: ☏1599 – 0903 [weekdays (08:00 ~ 18:00), Saturdays and holidays (08:00 ~ 12:00)]
  • Kakao Talk ID: 폐가전무상방문수거 or weec

Collection method

  • Visit the applicant's home, and collect the reserved item (The item can be collected at the applicant's doorway at his or her request.)
    ※ The item cannot be collected if a crane, etc. is required.